Big Ideas: Animal Beginings and Organization / Sponges and Cnidarians  
Essential Questions: What is an animal? How did animals evolve?  What body plans can be found in animals? What defines a sponge? What defines a cnidarian? 
Vocabulary: animal, invertebrate, vertebrate, body symmetry, cephalization; sponge, cnidarians
Month Content Skills Asessment Standards Instructional Activities,
Strategies, and Differentiation
January Introduction to Zoology: Formative:  Formal Indiana State Core Standards Are Not Available  Provide Topic Reading Assignments and Vocabulary List   
* Introduction to Animals (Definition, Invertebrates / Vertebrates, Survival) Distinguish between bilateral and radial symmetry Student Partipiation and Dialog  Deliver Information via Lecture, Discussion and Handouts
* Evolution (Cell Specialization and Levels of Organization, Early Development, Body Symmetry, Cephalization) Understand the reasoning of cephalization Study Guide Assignments  However, Some Related State Standards Associated with General Biology Could Apply Use Technology (ie Simulations/Illustrations/Videos), Various Manipulatives and Word Play
Lab Practicles and/or Projects   Offer Review Opportunities (Study Guides and Study Sessions)
Sponges and Cnidarians: Chapter Quizzes Visit: Supplement Topic Discussion with Labs/Projects/Demonstrations
* Form and Function (Body Plan, Feeding, Respiration, Circulation, Excretion, Response, Reproduction,) Create a model of a typical sponge Reading / Vocabulary Exam
* Ecology of Sponges and Cnidarians (Temperature, Water Depth, Light, etc…) Observe the anatomy and behavior of hydras  
* Groups of Cnidarians (Jellyfishes, Hydras, Sea Anemones and Corals) Summative:
Chapter Exam
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