· Create the “Apparati” (flush left title) section (can be modified during lab; however, revised afterwards) needed for the experiment (seeds will be provided). Ask for any special materials that might be needed for your lab.
· Device the “Procedure” (flush left title) section (can be modified during lab; however, revised afterwards) for creating your lab (i.e. seed preparation, plant care, transplanting, etc…).
disproven, unforeseen event(s), improvement(s), and spring board question
Ideas and Suggestions on Doing Observations for the Lab
The following is a list of data which should be included in your lab during some point in your experiment. This is by no means all inclusive and is meant to serve as a guide to help you collect your data. You should record accurately everything that you observe, no matter how insignificant it may seem at the time, because its importance may become apparent later in the experiment. Also, by writing down daily observations and quantitative data, you will have fewer problems developing your results and conclusion. You may find using a variable vs control format appealing for this activity; please ask or research this form of experimentation prior.
· You may use or start off with any seed, seedling, or plant (monocot, dicot, or both); however, you will only have about 4 weeks to do the lab.
· State how the seeds were prepared
· List dates of procedures, observations, and results
· Keep in mind some factors that influence the growth conditions of the plants:
o Type of or amount of nutrients in the soil
o Size of the container
o Transplanting (if necessary)
o Quality of light (incandescent/fluorescent/natural)
o Temperature (C) (indoors/outdoors)
o Type or amount of attention
o Amount of water per drainage (ml.)
· Have measurements and/or observations of the seed prior to the experiment.
· Measure/observe the seed coat, cotyledon, radicle, primary root, root hairs, hypocotyl, stem, apical meristem, epicotyl, leaves, flowers, and all discussed structures from lecture and/or the text.
· Include special observations such as the following:
o The date when foliage leaves appeared
o When the cotyledons separated.
o What the external morphology of the leaves are.
o When did the flowers first appear? Where the flowers/leaves are located on the plant? How many flowers were formed? What is color, size, and shape of the plant’s external structures.
o Record any apparent abnormalities, such as blotches, on leaves or poor development of a plant structure.
* You may have to do your own research to determine what is happening to your plant during
develop anatomically and physiologically.